Friday, June 30, 2006

A BIG FLOWER for you!

__________@@____A BIG FLOWER_______@@
____@@@@@@______FOR ____________@@
_________@@_______ YOU____________@@
__________@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Very Cute

Its for a very cute friend of you: just copy and paste and submit then in scrapbook or use it as testimonial


A Sweet tedy bear

---------/ ;;;; \ ____----- .;;.
------ ;----- '"-'`----`'-"'----- /
------/\-----------._. ---------/
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---/|;;;;;;;;;.__.;;;.-------\--; -\ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\------;\__--.;.
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How are you???

how r

___99___9__99999999999___99____99 ___9999

HELLO stands for ...

H: How are you?
E: Everything all right?
L: Like to hear from you
L: Love to see you soon!
O: Obviously, I miss you


A bear with heart in its lap

: ´´´´´´´´####´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´
´´´´######’’´´’@@’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ######´´´´´

Monday, June 26, 2006

Pistol for those who dont scrap me!

.._....."-._,__,__[ ..... ]____\.#######/
......................\...(...).)...).#### O##(

__________________FOR THOSE WHO DONT SCRAP ME!

A sweet butterfly for your sweet heart

;,,,_____________`._________.´____________,,,; 'Y888888bo.._______:______:______..od888888Y' __8888888888b..____:_____:____.d8888888888
____888b___"'' ____Am_(.)_nA____"''__.d888

Sunday, June 25, 2006

A nice testimonial

you would like the following lines as a testimonial to your friend; you can replace She with a He if required;

She is Cute****
She is Naughty****
She is Sweet****
She is Cool****
She is Awesome****
She is Intelligent****
She is Amazing****
She is Smart****
She is Sharp****
She is Caring****
She is Tom Boy****
She is Sporty****
She is respectfull****
She is Gorgeous****
She is Alluring****
She is Attractive****
She is Appealing****
She is Good-Looking****
She is Charming****
She is Glamorous****
She is Beautiful****
She is Eye-Catching****
She is Striking****
She is Fascinating****
She is Seductive****
She is Full of life****
She is Dazzling****
She is Shining****
She is Energetic****
She is Head turner****
She is Seductive****
She is Homorous****
She is Funny****
She is Stunning****
She is Lovely****
She is Superb****
She is Fabolous****
She is Excellent****
She is Fantastic****
And the most important she is very sweet and friend of mine****

A heart for your friend!

__♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥____♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ _____

You look like an angel

Its a beautiful style; You look like an angel
' ......`{.~.)))`\.\\_.-:<*>
.........`{.(()..`\_.-'`.`:' u just like
...........`)/.`.. an angel
............(....\' .............\....\ . ......._ .__\... /
.......` `'..`........../``-../../

A nice testimonial for your girl friend

..........^=\\\ Beautifull
.........))\_-_/ ((\ Intellegent
.........)'_/.".\_`\) Smart
.....././._.\.../...\ Sincere
....././(_.\x/._). Kind
......\.\.)".."(/./ Adorable
.......\.'...'.. //./ Ideal
....../........././ Naughty
..........__.\.\ Attractive
........./.\...\/ Sweet
...........\.. \ Cute
.............\..\ Unique
..............\..\ Loveable
...............\..\ Understanding

Check intensity of love of your friend for you!

How much u love me? Express it on Orkut in following way:

100% (give me a full rate as a fan)
50% (send me a testi..)
25% (send me scraps)
0% (edit me from your friend list)


You may find many decriptions for the word 'Friendship'; one of them is given below:


Friday, June 16, 2006

ROSE -- you can color it wor scraping it to any friend

......... , . - . - , _ , .......
......... ) ` - . .> “ `( .......
........ / . . . .`\\ . . \\ ........
........ . . . . . . . . ........
......... \\ . . . ./ . ./ .........
........... `=(\\ /.=` .........
............. `-;`.-“ ............
............... `) ... , ........
................ _.-“ ........
............. ,_ \\_,/ ........
....... , ..... \\ .“ .............
....... \\ \\ ,. / .............
.... ,..\\` /.,Y\\, ............
..... “-...“-._..\\/ .............
......... >_.-`\/..............
.............. ,_ ...............
................ \\ ...........
................ ..........

some one watching you behind Wall

---------------/ \--------------\\\\ //
----------( (.) (.) )

As good as your heart

Roses are pink
as pink as your lips

stars are bright
as bright as your eyes

Apples are red
as red as your cheeks

Snow is white
as white as your teeth

Dew is fresh
as fresh as your face

Night is black
as black as your hair

Breeze is soft
as soft as your voice

Dawn is warm
as warm as your touch

The sky is beautiful
as beautiful as you

And the world is good
as good as your heart

A good looking and Beautiful Flower!

_________@@@@@@ __________@@@____@@@ ________@@@________@@_____@@@@@@@ ________@@___________@@__@@@______@@ ________@@____________@@@__________@@ __________@@________________________@@ ____@@@@@@______@@@@@___________@@ __@@@@@@@@@__@@@@@@@_________@@ __@@____________@@@@@@@@@_______@@ _@@____________@@@@@@@@@@_____@@ _@@____________@@@@@@@@@___@@@ _@@@___________@@@@@@@______@@ __@@@@__________@@@@@________@@ ____@@@@@@_______________________@@ _________@@_________________________@@ ________@@___________@@___________@@ ________@@@________@@@@@@@@@@@ _________@@@_____@@@_@@@@@@@

A nice Guitar

.....*/• \\.....
.....*(•_ )....
../ • /\\...
.( (_,•,_))).
...\\ /•/ //..
..\\ ) ___ ((...
..) / ___ \\ \\..
../ ___. \\\\ )
..( \\__ _“._).
......\\ /......

try to search his hands and tounge

....; , ´ .-'"""'-.´ ´, ; ,....
. \\/ . .' . . . . . '. . \//
. .\-;- / . . . . .\ -;-/
. . // .; . . . . . . . ;. . \. .//__; :. 0´ .; ;__\ . .`---\'.'-.....-'.' /--- '
. . . . . .'.'.-.-,_.' .'
. . . . . . '(´´(..-´
. . . . . . . ' - '

Thursday, June 15, 2006

ROSE --- the King of flowers!

...........'(( .
.............\\ .
...............\\ .

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It really looks like a FOXY!

............_...--. .. ._“.__
..........-`___ _ “----“.... __```““--.,_
.......“- .“ _ “.`\\..... _.-“`` `-._.-._...-;
.._/... (_)---“.-“.................(_) _`\\

A heart for You!

__#############____________________ _################_________**###*_____ __##################_____*##########___ __##################___*#############__ ___#################*_###############*_ ____#################################*_ ______###############################__ ________=##########################____ __________########################_____ ___________*####################=______ ____________*##################________ _____________*###############__________ _______________#############___________ ________________##########_____________ ________________=#######*______________ _________________######________________ __________________####_________________ __________________###__________________ ___________________#___________________ ___________________*___________________

A Sweet Bear!


A poem for your friend -- don't miss it scrap immidiately


As innocent as a flower
As sweet as cherry pie
As beautiful as a sunset
As bright as a firefly
As clever as a musician
As romantic as a red rose
As genuine as a teardrop
As funny as a clown’s nose
As honest as a young child
As fun as a merry-go-round
As rare as a four leaf clover
As down-to-earth as the ground
As friendly as a butterfly
As precious as passing youth
As preety as miss. world is
As valuable as pure truth